Saturday, October 17, 2009

okay...let me get this straight...Senator John McCain is buggin' President Obama to grant a posthumus pardon to long-deceased boxing champion Jack Johnson...the same Senator McCain that voted against a holiday honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

...the GOP is running scared...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

...been away from here for a while because every time i sit down to write all that comes out is
fuck this and
fuck that
so i've been keeping my bad attitude to myself...i know not from whence it sprung, but spring it did...could be the maddening socio-political times, or the even more maddening quest for economic stability (no easy task for a self-employed artist-type person)'s not just a job, it's an adventure (to borrow a clever advertising phrase)...
...yesterday i was shopping for groceries and as i pulled myself away from oogling the Ben & Jerry's and Haagen-Daz, i noticed a young couple coming up the aisle toward me...they walked hand-in-hand, obviously enraptured, each with the other...she was wearing a t-shirt that exclaimed "I "heart" Rob!"...
...i then noticed that they both apparently have Downs Syndrome and it made my heart ache with joy that these two beautiful souls found each other and i turned and caught
my reflection in the freezer glass,
and at that moment i felt entirely
in the midst of millions of