Sunday, April 06, 2008

Here, Pumpkin... this is for you.


Unknown said...

thank you dear one
my heart is in your hand

i love you...

Anonymous said...

Then your heart is incredibly safe.

Unknown said... it is
though presently
pondering about
wandering off
to a new

Anonymous said...

I know but
not yet.
sit tight.
quick turns
can bite.
take some time
to let it heal
then you'll do the
right thing.

sparrow said...

...are we still talking about Saturday night?...

Unknown said...

yes...the physical bruises will fade before the psychic ones...

Anonymous said...

That may be true, but every day that passes, your perspective on what happened will change and your instinct of what needs to be done will be more clear. Please. Let there be space between that night and any decision you make regarding it.

Your instincts right now tell you to flee. That's part of the syndrome, though. Let the dust settle, then if you still feel that need, you will know it is more than a symptom of Fight or Flight.

Unknown said...

sage advice...much as i may think i need a change, my professional side won't let me walk away from commitments anyway...come hell or high water, illness or ass-whuppin's, the show must go on...

~:*:*:Sparrow:*:*:~ said...

the reality is this: the verve and hard-core love between the two of you is (was going to say bigger than, but) LIFE.

The hurts you feel are not ego. They are heart. His are too...

The fact that this happened is awful and seemingly inexcusable... but there in lies an opportunity, for both of you.

He is hurting and his ache is deep. He is not one to lash out. So something has pained him so greatly that he forgot his heart AND his head. You were the unfortunate (fortunate for him, in that you are who you are) recipient.

I am not justifying his actions. I am not minimizing your pain. What I am saying is: you are both hurting for different reasons... and when you finally come to terms with this (and you will) incident, you will be stronger (together) than ever.

Your relationship is not just business.

It is a marriage... one of the longest lasting I have ever known.

It is going to be okay.

I promise.

I love you.

Unknown said...

thank you, Pixie and Wood, for your wise and kind counsel... rehearsal tonight, Tom told me that he is deeply sorry, deeply ashamed and is having a hard time putting the incident out of his mind and an even harder time forgiving himself...i told him he had to forgive himself, because i already have...
...gave him a big hug and we got on with what we do best...making's a very healing thing, music...

(and i love you too, Shell!)

Anonymous said...

Oh, my god you guys, that made me cry!!