Friday, July 11, 2008

and each day that passes
gets stranger
aged infants spout wisdom
recorded by superstitious
frightened men...

those who dare to look
beyond man's limited existence
are dismissed as demons
or fools
because the rules outlaw
any fluxuation
from current situations

what power can words wield
against man's ancient ignorance?

brothers from
other worlds choose
at times to show themselves
show us bits of expanded knowledge

they come in spirit
they come in ways beyond
our scope or reason
they have existed here
they watched as firstlife
slithered from the slime
waited as great monsters
then died in an
onslaught of ice

they initiated early man
in hopes that this emerald
of the cosmos
could become paradise


i hope their disappointment
is not too great
as they survey this

all you turtles
afraid of truth
pull back into your shells

afraid of hell
air-condition your shells

i won't tell anyone where you're hiding

but this bird is going to fly
while there is still sky and time
for flying...


sparrow said...

That is beautiful {{{{Punky}}}}}

Anonymous said...

I think you were right about moving and your creative juices :-)

Unknown said...

...and getting gob-smacked on almost a daily basis will make one creative...or crazy...or both...

sparrow said...
