Thursday, September 04, 2008

...was just watching a bit of the republican national convention and couldn't help but notice that almost everyone in the hall is white...and old...not to mention a good number empty seats...
...and then the best thing...someone holding a sign that says "Raisin' McCain!" true...a wrinkled old fruit...and a white grape, to be sure...i have no doubt that the bearer of the sign did not realize (or even understand) the double entendre...

how can this political race be even close? the american public that fuckin' stupid?


Sorrow said...

Do you know what a yellow dog democrat is?
How about a blue rat republican?
The answer should be self explanatory...
and the answer to your question...
No, not stupid, just a bunch of kids...

Unknown said...

yes...i am well acquainted with both of those colorful animals...

...being an green/independent i fervently believe that continuing with "business as usual" will lead to the ruination of all the good things that humans have been able to accomplish...the time for fear is over...the time for greed is over...
it's time to stop giving lip service to compassion and love and time to start practicing them...

...and to what "bunch of kids" do you refer?

Sorrow said...

Not knowing if you have children,,,
i shall tread lightly,
Children think that everything is black and white, up or down, everything is an absolute.
Don't make me laugh!
So all the people who vote..
(and I am a lovely shade of green myself, being an issue voter,and not a person voter)
who get all caught up in their party rhetoric , are kids
as far as i am concerned...

sparrow said...

Refreshing dialog here. Whew.

Unknown said...

it all begins with talking, eh?...but i think you sell kids short...they can recognize bullshit no matter the side from which it is being shoveled...while most things are a lovely shade of gray, there are some 'absolutes' in life, things that ARE black and caring for less fortunate among us and not quibbling about where the money is going to come from, like caring for our planet, our only home...
...unfortunately, in the corporate state in which we presently live the powered elite care not about black or white or even shades of gray, just gold and green...and i'm not talkin' green leaves here...

Sorrow said...

My kids are great at bullshit detecting,
ya got me there.
But they also don't like to compromise. They want it the way that they think it should be. Resent the hell out of me when i try and get them to see some one else's point of view.
You are very right however , the world is full of Myopic bugs, whose only quest is for green and gold, power and control.
I am not sure how we will ever change this,
I will always continue to try...
delusional fairy loving,marshmallow hearted fool that i am...

Unknown said...

...fear not, marshmallow hearts will inherit the earth...