Saturday, October 18, 2008

whoa...that's a tough hombre...i wonder if they stuffed his banjo into an autoclave to sterilize it...

...i'd have to roll a bass rig into the operating theatre...that would be much harder to de-germ, considering all the funky stages it has inhabited...


what's the difference between a banjo and a lawnmower? can tune a lawnmower...

what's the difference between a banjo and a trampoline? don't wear golf spikes when you're jumping on a trampoline...

(apologies to all my banjo playin' brothers out there)


MarmiteToasty said...

Wow - we saw something like that only last week on our telly, it was on a bloke that had severe parkinsons and had constant hand and arm shaking.... it was bloody amazing, he to had the pacemaker thingie inserted in his chest and and control thing that stopped the shakes when they started.....

visions of all the shakey drunks turning up and queue for such a device.....


sparrow said...

Ooookay. That turned my stomach while simultaneously freaking me out (in a good way). Un be lievable.

Marmy... oh, Ms. Marmy - you were a crew short of a documentary in YOUR surgery!!! Did they sterilize the camera?
