Tuesday, November 11, 2008

...i make noises like this when i drink IPA, but i keep my paws on the outside of the glass...


Anonymous said...

That's how Beastie Boy drinks too! Except from the toilet...

Unknown said...

oh ick!...no kisses for Beastie Boy!

MarmiteToasty said...

Wondering what IPA is lol..... LOL@Woodsong, one of me cats drinks from the loo.... the stray that now lives with us dont seem to have any front teeth so he eats and drinks wellabit funny....

I make those noises but not when drinking milk lol

Soul is that YOUR pussy?


Unknown said...

IPA= India Pale Ale...very hoppy, very strong...two of 'em will put yer pud in the mud...
...not my kitty...alas, i'm not allowed to have pets at my current abode...

sparrow said...

...it's okay, Punkin' - you have a couple here!!!!...

MarmiteToasty said...

Oh Pale Ale, why didnt ya say in the first place lol....

Im more a lager bird meself LMFAO....

Dam, no pets, what? not even a stick insect?

We have a little field mouse living behind me tumble drier today, one of me cats bought it in to me as a pressie and then dropped it at me feet with loud meows... they are always doing that.... and it ran behind the tumbler lol tomorrow we will attempt to catch it and set it free.... just like we did with 'chewie' last year that we saved....

Although, I could do nuffin with the half chewed frog me cat dropped at me feet on Monday... the other half was outside me back door lol


Unknown said...

i like a good lager myself, Mel...been known to have a Harp or three...
...and Pixie, come next April when my lease is up and i can relocate, i will gather up some kitties...