Monday, May 04, 2009


inspiration comes in brief, blinding flashes these days...

a young woman
seemingly not yet out of her teens
and obviously
sits at a bus stop weeping
shoulders heaving up
and down
and my mind spins at the
myriad of possible causes
for these spilled tears...

Dale and Rochelle
are dear, dear friends
we played music at their wedding
even though we are not a "wedding band"...
it rained and no one seemed to mind,
such was the magic of the evening
and in the intervening years
they have opened their home to us
a friendly port in the storm
when we are out being
gypsy minstrels...
on the most recent trip
Rochelle and i were recalling tales
from music festivals
recent and historic
and the topic of toilet availability
came up and we both agreed that near
and abundant potties were an absolute must...
but Rochelle one-upped me with her further need
to be equipped with a headlamp and rubber gloves
when visiting the port-o-johns...

i must admit to laughing out loud
to the picture that popped into my mind...


MarmiteToasty said...

Its those pictures in our heads that keeps us sane :) unlike the voices lol....

Ive missed you........ and fank you so very very much for 'you know whats'

see me beaming face :)


Chris the Hippie said...

A miner's light -- priceless! My wife has been known to walk a mile past a porta-pottie to find a suitable place to piddle.

Unknown said...

yeah...there's something about a woman in a miner's hat, rubber gloves and pants down around the ankles that makes me hot...

MarmiteToasty said...

*snorting tea out me nose at that comment* lol

running to find me rubber gloves and a torch LMFAO......
