Sunday, August 09, 2009

...was just reading a piece in the news about a guy in Houston getting busted for selling bootlegged CDs...the alleged music pirate is a hefty individual to say the least, topping the scale at 500 pounds...whoa...that's a quarter of a ton where i come from...anyway, on his way through processing heading toward lockup, he was subjected to three, count 'em, three body searches... he was about to be placed in the shower, he reached up under one of the numerous flaps of flab and pulled out a 9mm pistol (unloaded) if to say, "okay here's my piece, i don't wanna get it wet."
...further charges are are some concealed weapon jokes...


MarmiteToasty said...



sparrow said...

We had this patient once...

Unknown said...

oh my...i think i'm afraid...

MarmiteToasty said...

Clearing out all me things from me bellybeard LMFAO
