Saturday, July 26, 2008

it's curious sometimes, the thoughts that bounce around my brain when i'm onstage...playing bass has become a very elemental thing for me and certain grooves become a meditation (as well as a medication) so ideas seemingly separate from the music intertwine with the notes and sounds...some are quite ordinary..."hmmm...i'm hungry...what do i have in the 'fridge to snack on when i get home?" or "did i remember to turn off all the lights?" or "who farted?"...
...but last night this thought popped into my head about what really contrary creatures we humans are and it centered on the fact that with one hand we make guitars with which we make art...we make music that makes people smile, dance, tap their feet and even sometimes think about the 'bigger picture'...and with the other hand we make guns...they were devised for one thing and one thing only...
...please don't tell me you're a "sportsman" unless you want to similarly arm and somehow teach gun functions to whatever creature in which you are about to blast a big bloody hole...
...killing for fun...seems that some of us are still standing at the mouth of the cave, peering out in fear and unable or unwilling to look inside our own black hearts...


sparrow said...

I have a firearm.

I don't kill things.

Unless they come into my home and try to harm myself or my Bean...

shoot first, lesson later.

Killing for sport, sickens me.

Hi, Punky.

Unknown said...

hi Pixie... total agreement with the self protection aspect, though i've arrived at a space, however delusional as it may be, that i fear no man, no might be able to short circuit this fleshy machine i currently occupy, but none can touch the Essence...

except with love...