Sunday, March 15, 2009

two days
three gigs
just gettin' warmed up
fingers will be tipped
with flame
by week's end...

found out that our drummer
is foresaking spiritous beverage,
having given up the sauce for Lent
so the drunkeness part of the triumvrate,
(ribaldry, debauchery and drunkeness)
might be slightly reduced...
we will try to make up for that
by increasing the output of
ribaldry and debauchery...

but for no amount of money will we play
the fool...

1 comment:

MarmiteToasty said...

A bit of debauchery does one good lol....

Those were the days LMFAO....

Glad you have lots of gigs, I know when my Sam is never happier or on a bigger high then when he is gigging.....

and never a fool, not you..
