Saturday, March 06, 2010

4:17am....cough won't let me sleep and i'm about to the point where i would make a deal with the devil to take away this malady, but since i don't believe in Ol' Scratch, it would be pointless to ask the great horned one to magically appear here in my bedroom...much as i was hoping to avoid it,
it would seem that i'm going to spend a portion of this spring whacked out my senses on narcotic cough relieving substances...
...really don't have much to say...just waiting for the last dose of over the counter meds to kick in just a little and perhaps that coupled with total exhaustion will allow me to sleep for a few hours before the nasty fucking tickle returns and wakes me up...of course, if i stay awake for a third night in a row, i might have some real fun hallucinations to write about...adventures in sleep deprivation is not a subject that i would choose for a creative outlet, but such is life...

1 comment:

MarmiteToasty said...

