Monday, August 23, 2010


I have become overwhelmingly aware of the lack of presence of one Sir Soul Pumpkin and I know I am not alone in this observation.

I feel drastic means are in order to bring to his attention that he, and ONLY he can fill the void that is Great Aunt Cleo's Hatpin... that it is not only his duty to do so but that his honor is at stake. In a radical effort to accentuate this point I have resorted to this:


(Gotta run... time to hack Marmy too)


sparrow said...

If nothing else, he will be mortified by the grammar and spelling and make an appearance to edit this post.


Vee haf vays, Herr Punkin.


pUnKhAiR2Nv said...

You so baaaaad

Unknown said...

you wicked, wicked pixie...

sparrow said...



Why THERE you are!!!!

*blows the smoke from tip of magick wand*

pUnKhAiR2Nv said...

*wiping cobwebs off the walls*

sparrow said...

*opens curtains and windows*

MarmiteToasty said...

Getting the Febreze out and....... dam, who locked that cat in - I am NOT clearing up that pile of poo in the corner.....

and oye I actually like that song lmfao.....


MarmiteToasty said...

and anyways its almost Pumpkin season so you have to make an appearance if only to be stuffed lol


MarmiteToasty said...

ps....... my Tom played the violin for about 3-4 years but he wanted to play like a fiddle and not the classical stuff they was teaching him..... so in the end he quit :(


Unknown said...

Charlie Daniels is a crap fiddle player...i've heard 8 year old kids that eat his lunch...which is a good thing cuz that fat ol' fucker could stand to lose a few hundred pounds...