Friday, October 31, 2008

Joe The No-Show of the more cringe-worthy moments of the presidential contest...almost felt pity for a second, almost being the key word here...and since we're all plumbers now Senator McCain, i know a whole bunch of folks that would love to hunker down and salute you with a world class display of butt cleavage...


sparrow said...

I fart in his general direction.

*did I type that out loud?*

Unknown said... did...and that's completely acceptable behavior here in Cleoland...Mr. the Plumber was off with his publicist working on signing his country music recording contract...or so i hear...i mean, far be it from me to foster unsubstantiated rumours...

sparrow said...

Is he endorsed by Willie Nelson? Cuz I hear they have a little sumthin' in common.

I think there's a song in there...

Unknown said...

naw...i think it's Aaron Tippet or one of those B-grade country artists...not much heavy musical talent on the conservative side of the road...that dude from Big & Rich ( i wonder were Big stands on the issues) and Ted Nugent...and that's about it...
...thin...really thin...

sparrow said...

Yannow. I'm sitting here eating imported Irish cheese and water crackers from the 99 cent store (just the crackers - prolly pure melamine) and cracking up.

If I choke to death, it wasn't the melamine crips.

You crack me up.

I love you.