Monday, June 30, 2008

Telluride, Pt. 2

...imagine you're having a really bad day at work, one of those days when everything takes twice as long to do as it normally does, one of those days when everything you touch turns to shit, sort of a King Midas in imagine doing this amplified by thousands of watts, illuminated by thousands of watts more and all this in front of ten thousand people...
...such was the case for Glen Hansard, when his band The Frames closed the show saturday at the festival...though i didn't see the show, it was related to me by several trusted sources that he basically had a meltdown and as a result the set was a bit of a downer..., there was a good deal of anticipation preceding the show the next evening by The Swell Season, which is basically The Frames with the addition of Marketa said in a previous post, their show was stunning...still reverberating in my head two weeks later...
...but one of the most gripping parts of the show was when Glen Hansard apologised to the crowd for having had a bad show the night was quite heartfelt and humble and he really endeared himself to the audience in doing so...
...another memorable part of the show was when all of a sudden the sky was filled with marshmallows...definitely a conspiracy afoot to have thousands of marshmallows flung into the cool mountain air at the same all my days, i've never seen such a thing...
...earlier that day a freakish thunderstorm rolled through, but instead of dropping rain, or even hail, this storm produced mini-snow cones (minus the paper cone) that exploded with a "poof" when they hit the the marshmallows, never witnessed that before...seems like a beautiful place to spend the summer, but at the drop of the first snowflake, i'd be desert bound...


MarmiteToasty said...

Marshmallows?? WHAT? really pink and white edible marshmallows? wtf!!!


Unknown said...

yes...real puffy white marshmallows...not those little mini things that one slings into one's hot cocoa, but those big things ya cram on a twig and roast to bubbly brown deliciousness over a roaring campfire... was a sight to behold...

MarmiteToasty said...

Dam, ok, now you have me curiosity...... you had marshmallows, proper fat white toasting marshmallows fall from the sky??? where did they come from?.... and can I move to where it rains mallows lol....

Where did they come from?


Unknown said...

...the 'mallows were of terrestrial origin, being flung by members of the audience...i guess my narrative is a bit shoddy and obtuse...