Friday, October 31, 2008

in this dangerous age, these songs make me feel safe and warm...i remember the refrigerator-sized radio i talked Pop and Uncle George into hauling up to my attic bedroom...the large round lighted dial glowed like a full moon every night in my room as i searched the airwaves for sounds from exotic places, sounds that started my musical heartbeat, a never-ending thump-thump-thump that has driven me quite happily mad...


sparrow said...

Oh my God.

The goosebumps may never leave the backs of my arms and necks.

My God.

This song...

sparrow said...

That's neck... not necks. I only have one neck... and the goosebumps are still there.

I love you Kevin.

Unknown said...

i love you too, Shell...


MarmiteToasty said...

One day my always will come .......


sparrow said...

Humming 'Always' while serving dinner tonight.

Mrs. B: you're too young to know that song!

Ms. K: shhhhhhhh! listen.

I know what we need to be doing instead of sitting in front a frakin idiot box.


Thank you Kev.