Sunday, December 14, 2008

...a good friend who visits here has put forth the queries "What up with the blog? new words?"
...good questions...i could lie and say i've been really really busy and yes, i have played a few shows and been logging time as the dutiful wood elf, turning trees into music, but to be quite truthful there is a certain malaise of spirit this holiday season that i am finding hard to ignore...
...and i am finding it within as well as is becoming scarce for me and many of my compatriots, not only in the music biz but other fields of endeavour as well...i thought perhaps i was having residual bleakness hanging on from the ohio trip, but even a week back in the sunshine has not yet served to bring back the rather than bitch and rant in a semi-public manner, i've been seeking that quiet place in the center my soul...meditating, reading, exercising, working...because i knew any attempts at wordsmithing would turn out much as this one has...
...i'm so much more fortunate than the vast majority of souls on this planet, but it's hard to be thankful in the face of so much suffering...

...but there are some light-hearted moments in the news... would appear that freedom of the press means something totally different in other parts of the world...i can't picture Helen Thomas hurling a pump at Dubya's melon, much as she probably would have liked too...and at the risk of sounding sexist, that dude throws like a girl...but to be fair, the Iraqi little league baseball system isn't up to speed with the rest of the world...


Michael said...

Oh I don't know, I thought it was a good throw. Bush did duck in the nick of time. The hurler gets an "A" for effert. It was in the strike zone.


Unknown said... was in the strike zone, wasn't it...perhaps the Lions could sign him up for QB...

MarmiteToasty said...

I felt you was having a little 'down time'... want me to hold ya hand.... this to will pass.... it has to, right?


Unknown said...

one can always use a hand to hold
a pat on the back
a good firm hug

even a friendly nod
works for me these days...

sparrow said...

Those damned street shoes just are not as aerodynamic as a candy apple red stiletto pump.

Take my word for it.


Chris the Hippie said...

I've been outta blogging, too. Me? Lack of time.

Man, when I saw the shoe thing on TV I broke out laughing. Not an evil chuckle or a polite guffaw -- I belly-laughed for minutes and minutes... My wife thought I was being disrespectful to the President of the United States, and I suppose it is disrespectful to delight in someone chucking shoes at his bean, but my God -- the pain that man has caused! I have to admit a secret delight in seeing someone tell him, most viscerally, how they feel.