Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

...some Giant music for my friends...


MarmiteToasty said...

someone needs a dam haircut :)


Unknown said...

...being that this vid is from the mid 70's, i would imagine that Mother Nature has taken care of that for him...sort of like the drummer in the band...and yours truly...

MarmiteToasty said...

Do you know (actually you wouldnt lol) that one of me brothers who is 2 years older then me, had long curlie hair a bit like Roger Daltry's from The Who.... it would curl out under his crash helmet... but by the time he was 23 or so it lost most of it to mother nature.... who would of funk that his thick hair would soon be gone.... glad I didnt follow suit LOL

and how come baldness on a bloke can be distinquished yet on a woman its not? aye? aye :)


Unknown said...

oh...i don't know...i kinda dig bald-headed women...

MarmiteToasty said...

You little liar you LMFAO


sparrow said...

Whatchu got against bald women?


Unknown said...

no...really...i loves me love bald-headed wimmen...with tattoos...and maybe some latex...

MarmiteToasty said...

check list.........

tattoos - tick
bald head - shaving
latex - finding surgical gloves..



Unknown said...

be still my beating heart...

MarmiteToasty said...


shit, look at the time..... I must away to bed...


Unknown said...

you party animal you...

MarmiteToasty said...


Chris the Hippie said...

This band scared me a little... I never trust a bass player who uses a pick through an entire song.

Hey, did you see this in the news? (Watch me magically cut 'n paste...)

Washington, DC (CNN) -- In light of the recent downturn in the American economy, the nation's jazz musicians have joined the long line of lobby groups looking to Washington for support as the economy slides into a deepening recession.

The jazz industry is asking Washington for a bailout package and major subsidies on par with that of the auto sector. As such, jazz musicians also want access to credit and tax breaks to stimulate investment and help the development of new recording and performance opportunities.

"This recession has really got me dragged, ya dig?" says Luther Hip Bones Jones III, a New York City saxophonist and a cornerstone of the little known Wall Street, avant-garde jazz scene. "I mean, now that gigs aren't a flowin like they used, I actually have to get up before noon and find a way to make some coin!"

Similarly, Jones associate Willie Fat Cheeks Hughes comments that with the economy in near chaos, the demand for his jazz bagpipe skills has waned considerably. Hughes also comments that with a sluggish economic situation, he will soon have to find another girlfriend or else face certain homelessness.

While this crisis has been brewing for some time, a recent spike in the number of trombonists delivering pizzas in New York's Greenwich Village has recently brought this dire situation to the public's attention.

Last week, however, jazz advocate Wynton Marsalis met with President George W. Bush and the White House economic team to discuss the worsening situation for Americas jazz artists and a possible stimulus package.

Marsalis was quoted as saying: "I think its important for the government to understand that our musical recession has actually been worsening since the demise of New York's 52nd Street scene in the early 50s, thanks to the racket these kids call Hip Hop. They really should have seen this coming. Since Miles went electric, its all been downhill." As Marsalis continued, "I think that a strong monetary stimulus package and a mandatory listening of Duke Ellington records should encourage a healthy economic recovery."

President Bush responded to these comments by replying that: "Mr. Margolis has a very good point here. The country will be in dire straights if we lose our jazzy beats. I mean, personally, I always enjoy a little Kenny G in the evening while I try to woo the little First Lady."

Bush also commented that a global consensus on the state of the jazz economy will have to be reached. The way things stand, Americas jazz artists just can't compete with the lower paid jazz artists currently flooding the market from China.

In related news: America's Blues musicians report an increase in depressing lyrics. "[It] indicates a reflection of the times," claims one downtrodden guitarist whose wife recently left him and whose dog had died.

Unknown said...

British bass players and their plectrums...whatcha gonna do?...i don't like using a pick either...and when i do, it's one of those big fat fuzzy felt ones so the sound is still sort of like fingerplucked...this was one of the tightest bands i ever saw live...even the tech crew was amazing...the bass tech replaced a broken string (a G, i believe)WHILE the bass was being played...
...and they all play about a half dozen instruments each...i've always been a bit of a nut for Prog Rock...