Thursday, November 27, 2008

back in buckeye land ~ part two

this is an interesting life i've chosen for myself, this business of making money making never knows what sort characters one will encounter, even while doing something as mundane as loading gear into a club...yesterday was a perfect we were heading through the door of the venue with the first bit of equipment, a crusty wrinkled old codger with a face like a saddle was in the doorway having a i walked past, he growled, "You guys don't make music, you just make noise."...keeping my composure, i replied, "You haven't heard us play a single note my good man."...he countered with, "Well, i'll bet you don't play any country music." "Wrong" i say..."We play all sorts of stuff, including some Merle Haggard and Johnny Cash" ..."That's not country music.", he snears back at me...i realized at this moment that any further conversation would be a lost cause and only tend to piss me off, so i ignored the continuing barrage of derisive comments and tried to keep a Zen patience here in this land of astounding ignorance...and speaking of astounding ignorance, i have had to just get up and walk out on several racist-tinged jokes and conversations about Barack Obama...visiting here just reinforces for me the reasons i moved away from this many small minds, dark hearts, just plain ol' dumbass rednecks...i don't know how any compassionate artistic souls survive in this place, let alone be able to grow up to be old enough to run away from the bleakness...the soul of this place is lost in hatred and stupidity...
...but on a more positive note, last night's gig went well...not as many folks turned out as we would have liked, but we played well and those who were there were groovin' and the club owners love us and want us to come back on our summer spin through the midwest...we shall see...the way i'm feeling right now, i'm not sure if i want to subject my spirit to the dark side of this place ever again...
...try as i may to spread love and light, the people around here look at me like i've got two fucking heads, and i feel like i'm smashing both of them into a brick wall...


Anonymous said...

Small town America. Who was it that said: "You can't go home"? Come back to AZ. brother.

Unknown said...

yeah...this must be the "real America" that Sarah Palin was talking about...give me big city elitists any day...

Chris the Hippie said...

Hell, I didn't know you were in Iowa! You should have told me -- I'd have stopped by...

I was at a jam session in a local club last Wednesday night, and I overheard an interesting conversation at the next table. "Hey, nice posters for your band," said musician 1 to musician 2, looking at the poster on the wall. "I really like the pictures."

"Yeah, we had Hippie do them for us," answered musician 2, gesturing at me. "He did a helluva job."

"Yeah, my band thought about hiring him, too, but someone said he's a democrat so we just took our own photos."

"Shit, he looks so normal..." I glanced over, they were both staring at me.

You don't want to hear what they say about our President around here. It's vile.

On the upside, I got to play "Teaser" with one of Tommy Bolin's drummers, with Tommy's brother on guitar. I'm sure it sounded crappy, but it sure was fun!

Unknown said...

well, if it did sound crappy, i'm sure the bass was right in the pocket...

...sounds like your neck of the woods there in Iowa is like my neck of the woods here in,red,red...ho ho ho...

Bluzlover said...

The comments from the rednecks in Iowa and Nebraska are sickening. What must it be like in the deep South? Blind stupidity is dangerous. Peace