Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

...all the news outlets having been referring to this day as "Black Friday" perhaps because of the huge crush of holiday shoppers out looking for bargains and creating some black ink for retailers as opposed to the red ink they've been hemorraging during the idiotic rule of the current junta...
...but this phrase took on a blacker meaning on this dark late November morning in a Wal-Mart in Nassau County, New the doors were being unlocked, the unruly surge of shoppers literally knocked the doors off the hinges and crushed a Wal-Mart employee to death and caused a pregnant woman to celebrate the birth of the Baby Jesus...

...Jesus Tap Dancin''d think it was a Who concert or something...

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, get a fuckin' clue...please?


Sorrow said...

Just read about that..
sad so sad..
Hope you had a good day despite the insanity,
and hope you get out of bukeye land with your soul still warm..
and not frozen through

sparrow said...

Unbelievable. How did I miss that news?... and I'm so glad I did.


Good grief...

Unknown said...

there are some things that i don't want to write about but feel compelled to...this has been a weird Thanksgiving...i just want to get back to the desert, to the sun, to the music, to my friends...

i don't belong here...i never have...

hi, Pixie...delighted to see you here!...and fear not Sorrow, it takes more than ignorance to extinguish the fire in my soul...